02/25/10: Version 1.4.3 * [28260] fixed sql injection vulnerability in doctrine admin generator→ソートをパラメータでくする箇所がなかったので不要 02/12/10: Version 1.4.2 * [27954] fixed enabling of local csrf protection when disabled globally (closes #8228) →該当箇所なし * [27942] fixed output of doctrine:insert-sql task (closes #8008) → LocalCSRFを使っている箇所はなし * [27940] fixed field name used when propel unique validator throws a non-global error (closes #8108) →propelなので該当箇所なし * [27842] fixed typo, fixed consistent use of field rather than column name in doctrine form generators (closes #8254)→ doctrine:build --form および --all-classes を実行、日記の投稿を確認 * [27836] fixed submission of disable form fields by browser (closes #8178)→不要 * [27755] fixed double escaping of partial vars (closes #7825, refs #1638)→フレンドリスト、サークルリストの文言などでHTMLエンティティを含む名前を入力し二十エスケープがないか表示を確認 * [27753] fixed helper signature (closes #8170)→使っている箇所なし * [27752] fixed initialization of output escaper array iterator (closes #8202)→valid() を使っている箇所がない * [27751] fixed symlink logic on vista+ with php 5.3 (closes #8237)→WinVista+php5.3での確認は不要 * [27750] updated generated stub task to guess a default connection name based on ORM (closes #8209)→ormにDoctrineを使っているので、タスク作成確認は不要 * [27749] updated doctrine and propel forms to allow setting of defaults on numeric fields from within configure (closes #8238)→数値のみのラベルが見つからなかったので不要 * [27748] fixed form filtering by 0 on a number column (closes #8175) filter で sfWidgetFormInputText を使っている箇所がありませんでした * [27747] fixed doctrine pager iteration (closes #7758, refs #8021)→ページャーの動作確認、日記、コミュニティイベント * [27742] fixed generation of enum pk form widgets (closes #7959)→enumを使っている箇所なし * [27738] fixed XSS hole in select checkbox and radio widgets (closes #8176) →対応箇所なし * [27736] fixed sfValidatorDoctrineChoice in cloned forms (embedForEach) doesn't function correctly (closes #8198)→フォーム全般、日記を新規作成し、編集を行う * [27616] passed the changeStack option in ->get() and ->post() calls of sfBrowserBase to the delegated ->call() (fixes #4271) →不要 * [27612] added basic test for sfPager->rewind() and fixed bug not leading to ->reset() not working correctly. (fixes #8021)→sfPager::rewind() reset() を使っている箇所はなし * [27597] fixed minor incompatibility of new link_to() behaviour with 1.0 behaviour (fixes #7933, #8231)→url_forを使っている箇所 リンク全般 * [27511] fixed typo preventing sfProjectOptimizeTask to work correctly (closes #7885)→不要 * [27479] Removed svn version line from propel generated files showing them as modified even without changes each regeneration (backported r27472)→不要 * [27284] fixed empty class attributes in WDT markup (closes #8196)→不要 * [27211] added check and logging for non executable remote installer files in sfGenerateProjectTask (closes #7921)→不要 * [27183] fixed behavior when using either no separators or non slash separators for sfPatternRouting (fixes #8114)→管理画面のナビで/で始まるURLと/で始まらないURLを入力してリンクの動作確認 * [27061] partially fixed sfTester#isValid() on Windows systems (closes #7812)→不要 * [26989] fixed typo in getting Priorities from sfVarLogger (fixes #7938)→不要 * [26957] updated web debug javascript to work when the dom includes an svg element→ * [26872] fixed sfDomCssSelector requires quotes for matching attribute values when they should be optional (closes #8120)→不要 * [26871] fixed sfValidateDate for negative timestamps (closes #8134)→コミュニティトピック作成時の募集期日のバリデーション確認 * [26870] fixed sfWidgetFormSchema::setPositions() which accepts duplication positions (closes #7992)→不要 * [26867] turned off xdebug_logging by default as it can make the dev env very very slow (closes #8085)→不要 * [26866] fixed sfValidatorDate errors (closes #8118)→コミュニティトピック作成時の募集期日のバリデーション確認 * [26865] updated Propel to 1.4.1 (closes #8131)→不要 * [26681] fixed format_currency is rounding bad (closes #6788)→不要 * [25459] added the module name when including a partial in the admin generator→symfony doctrine:build --model 実行 * [25458] updated Turkish translations of the admin generator (closes #7928, patch by metoikos) →不要 * [25411] changed project:validate task to generate less false positive (closes #7852)→不要 * [25406] removed duplicate is_string check in sfWebController (closes #7918)→不要 * [25218] Fixing issue with disablePlugin() static method being called publicly while being defined protected→プラグインを無効にできるか確認