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FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsConfig: true, IsRequired: true, Default: 1, Choices: [辟。蜉ケ縺ォ縺吶k, 譛牙柑縺ォ縺吶k] } self_invite_action: { IsConfig: false, Default: opAuthMailAddress/requestRegisterURL } admin_invite: { IsConfig: false, Default: true } help_login_error_action: { Name: self_invite_action, Caption: '', FormType: '', ValueType: '', IsConfig: false, IsRequired: false, Default: opAuthMailAddress/helpLoginError } is_check_multiple_address: { Name: is_check_multiple_address, Caption: 繝ュ繧ー繧、繝ウ逕ィ繝。繝シ繝ォ繧「繝峨Ξ繧ケ險ュ螳, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsConfig: true, IsRequired: true, Default: 0, Choices: [PC繝。繝シ繝ォ繧「繝峨Ξ繧ケ縺ィ謳コ蟶ッ繝。繝シ繝ォ繧「繝峨Ξ繧ケ縺ョ荳。譁ケ繧貞女縺台サ倥¢繧, PC繝。繝シ繝ォ繧「繝峨Ξ繧ケ縺ィ謳コ蟶ッ繝。繝シ繝ォ繧「繝峨Ξ繧ケ縺ョ縺ゥ縺。繧峨°荳譁ケ繧貞女縺台サ倥¢繧犠 } op_auth_MobileUID: invite_mode: { Name: invite_mode, Caption: 諡帛セ繝「繝シ繝, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsConfig: true, IsRequired: true, Default: 1, Choices: [諡帛セ縺ェ縺励〒縺ョ逋サ骭イ繧定ィア蜿ッ縺吶k, SNS蜿ょ刈閠縺ォ諡帛セ繧定ィア蜿ッ縺吶k, 諡帛セ繧定ィア蜿ッ縺励↑縺Ь } enable_pc: { Name: enable_pc, Caption: PC迚域怏蜉ケ險ュ螳, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsConfig: 0, IsRequired: true, Default: 0, Choices: [辟。蜉ケ縺ォ縺吶k, 譛牙柑縺ォ縺吶k] } enable_mobile: { Name: enable_mobile, Caption: 謳コ蟶ッ迚域怏蜉ケ險ュ螳, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsConfig: true, IsRequired: true, Default: 1, Choices: [辟。蜉ケ縺ォ縺吶k, 譛牙柑縺ォ縺吶k] } self_invite_action: { IsConfig: false, Default: '@homepage' } admin_invite: { IsConfig: false, Default: false } op_auth_OpenID: invite_mode: { Name: invite_mode, Caption: 諡帛セ繝「繝シ繝, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsConfig: true, IsRequired: true, Default: 1, Choices: [諡帛セ縺ェ縺励〒縺ョ逋サ骭イ繧定ィア蜿ッ縺吶k, SNS蜿ょ刈閠縺ォ諡帛セ繧定ィア蜿ッ縺吶k, 諡帛セ繧定ィア蜿ッ縺励↑縺Ь } enable_pc: { Name: enable_pc, Caption: PC迚域怏蜉ケ險ュ螳, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsConfig: true, IsRequired: true, Default: 0, Choices: [辟。蜉ケ縺ォ縺吶k, 譛牙柑縺ォ縺吶k] } enable_mobile: { Name: enable_mobile, Caption: 謳コ蟶ッ迚域怏蜉ケ險ュ螳, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsConfig: true, IsRequired: true, Default: 0, Choices: [辟。蜉ケ縺ォ縺吶k, 譛牙柑縺ォ縺吶k] } self_invite_action: { IsConfig: false, Default: '@homepage' } admin_invite: { IsConfig: false, Default: false } op_base_url: 'http://34x.imamura.dazai.pne.jp/' op_daily_news_gadget_list: freeAreaMail: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝輔Μ繝シ繧ィ繝ェ繧「 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝輔Μ繝シ繧ィ繝ェ繧「繧定ィュ鄂ョ縺ァ縺阪∪縺 }, component: [default, freeAreaMail], config: { title: { Name: title, Caption: 繧ソ繧、繝医Ν, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, value: { Name: value, Caption: 蜀螳ケ, FormType: rich_textarea, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } op_gadget_config: gadget: { name: 繝帙シ繝逕サ髱「, layout: { default: layoutA, choices: [layoutA, layoutB, layoutC] }, plot_action: [design, homeGadgetPlot] } profile: { name: 繝励Ο繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ逕サ髱「, layout: { default: layoutA, choices: [layoutA, layoutB, layoutC] }, plot_action: [design, profileGadgetPlot] } login: { name: 繝ュ繧ー繧、繝ウ逕サ髱「, layout: { default: layoutA, choices: [layoutA, layoutB, layoutC] }, plot_action: [design, loginGadgetPlot] } sideBanner: { name: 繧オ繧、繝峨ヰ繝翫シ, layout: { default: layoutD }, plot_action: [design, sideBannerGadgetPlot] } mobile: { name: 謳コ蟶ッ迚医帙シ繝逕サ髱「, layout: { default: layoutE }, plot_action: [design, mobileHomeGadgetPlot] } mobileProfile: { name: 謳コ蟶ッ迚医励Ο繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ逕サ髱「, layout: { default: layoutE }, plot_action: [design, mobileProfileGadgetPlot] } mobileLogin: { name: 謳コ蟶ッ迚医Ο繧ー繧、繝ウ逕サ髱「, layout: { default: layoutD }, plot_action: [design, mobileLoginGadgetPlot] } mobileHeader: { name: 謳コ蟶ッ迚医倥ャ繝繝シ, layout: { default: layoutD }, plot_action: [design, mobileHeaderGadgetPlot] } mobileFooter: { name: 謳コ蟶ッ迚医ヵ繝繧ソ繝シ, layout: { default: layoutD }, plot_action: [design, mobileFooterGadgetPlot] } dailyNews: { name: 繝繧、繝ェ繝シ繝九Η繝シ繧ケシPC繝。繝シ繝ォ繧「繝峨Ξ繧ケ蜷代¢シ, layout: { default: layoutD }, plot_action: [design, dailyNewsGadgetPlot] } mobileDailyNews: { name: 繝繧、繝ェ繝シ繝九Η繝シ繧ケシ域声蟶ッ繝。繝シ繝ォ繧「繝峨Ξ繧ケ蜷代¢シ, layout: { default: layoutD }, plot_action: [design, mobileDailyNewsGadgetPlot] } op_gadget_layout_config: layoutA: [top, sideMenu, contents, bottom] layoutB: [sideMenu, contents, bottom] layoutC: 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3, 5: 5, 7: 7, 10: 10 } } } } blogFriend: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝峨ョ譛譁ー繝悶Ο繧ー }, description: { ja_JP: 繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝峨ョ譛譁ー縺ョ繝悶Ο繧ー縺ョ荳隕ァ繧定。ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶 }, component: [blog, blogFriend] } blogUser: { caption: { ja_JP: 閾ェ蛻縺ョ譛譁ー繝悶Ο繧ー }, description: { ja_JP: 閾ェ蛻縺ョ譛譁ー縺ョ繝悶Ο繧ー縺ョ荳隕ァ繧定。ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶 }, component: [blog, blogUser] } recentCommunityTopicComment: { caption: { ja_JP: 繧ウ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」譛譁ー繝医ヴ繝繧ッ繝ェ繧ケ繝 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺悟盾蜉縺励※縺繧九さ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」繝医ヴ繝繧ッ縺ョ譛譁ー譖ク縺崎セシ縺ソ繝ェ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [communityTopic, topicCommentListBox], config: { col: { Name: col, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k繝医ヴ繝繧ッ謨ー, FormType: select, ValueType: integer, IsRequired: true, Default: 5, Choices: { 1: 1, 3: 3, 5: 5, 7: 7, 10: 10 } } } } recentCommunityEventComment: { caption: { ja_JP: 繧ウ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」譛譁ー繧、繝吶Φ繝医Μ繧ケ繝 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺悟盾蜉縺励※縺繧九さ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」繧、繝吶Φ繝域怙譁ー譖ク縺崎セシ縺ソ繝ェ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [communityEvent, eventCommentListBox], config: { col: { Name: col, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k繧、繝吶Φ繝域焚, FormType: select, ValueType: integer, IsRequired: true, Default: 5, Choices: { 1: 1, 3: 3, 5: 5, 7: 7, 10: 10 } } } } diaryFriendList: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝槭う繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝画怙譁ー譌・險 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝槭う繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝峨ョ譖ク縺縺滓律險倥r譁ー逹鬆縺ォ陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶 }, component: [diary, friendDiaryList], config: { max: { Name: max, Caption: 譛螟ァ陦ィ遉コ莉カ謨ー, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 5, Choices: { 1: 1, 3: 3, 5: 5, 7: 7, 10: 10 } } } } diaryMyList: { caption: { ja_JP: 閾ェ蛻縺ョ譛譁ー譌・險 }, description: { ja_JP: 閾ェ蛻縺ョ譖ク縺縺滓律險倥r譁ー逹鬆縺ォ陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶 }, component: [diary, myDiaryList], config: { max: { Name: max, Caption: 譛螟ァ陦ィ遉コ莉カ謨ー, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 5, Choices: { 1: 1, 3: 3, 5: 5, 7: 7, 10: 10 } } } } diaryList: { caption: { ja_JP: 蜈ィ菴薙ョ譛譁ー譌・險 }, description: { ja_JP: 蜈ィ菴薙ョ譛譁ー譌・險倥r譁ー逹鬆縺ォ陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶 }, component: [diary, diaryList], config: { max: { Name: max, Caption: 譛螟ァ陦ィ遉コ莉カ謨ー, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 5, Choices: { 1: 1, 3: 3, 5: 5, 7: 7, 10: 10 } } } } diaryCommentHistory: { caption: { ja_JP: 譌・險倥さ繝。繝ウ繝郁ィ伜・螻・豁エ }, description: { ja_JP: 譌・險倥さ繝。繝ウ繝医ョ譖エ譁ー諠蝣ア繧呈眠逹鬆縺ォ陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶 }, component: [diaryComment, history], config: { max: { Name: max, Caption: 譛螟ァ陦ィ遉コ莉カ謨ー, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 5, Choices: { 1: 1, 3: 3, 5: 5, 7: 7, 10: 10 } } } } applicationBoxes: { caption: { ja_JP: 繧「繝励Μ繧ア繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ繝懊ャ繧ッ繧ケ }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺梧園譛峨☆繧軌penSocial繧「繝励Μ繧ア繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ繧偵帙シ繝縺ォ險ュ鄂ョ縺励∪縺 }, component: [application, renderHomeApplications], config: { num: { Name: num, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ蜿ッ閭ス縺ェ繧「繝励Μ繧ア繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ謨ー, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } } } } informationBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繧、繝ウ繝輔か繝。繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ繝懊ャ繧ッ繧ケ }, description: { ja_JP: 繝帙シ繝逕サ髱「縺ォ縺顔衍繧峨○縺ェ縺ゥ縺ョ騾夂衍縺悟庄閭ス縺ェ繧、繝ウ繝輔か繝。繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ繝懊ャ繧ッ繧ケ繧定ィュ鄂ョ縺ァ縺阪∪縺吶 }, component: [default, informationBox], config: { value: { Name: value, Caption: 蜀螳ケ, FormType: rich_textarea, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } freeArea: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝輔Μ繝シ繧ィ繝ェ繧「 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝輔Μ繝シ繧ィ繝ェ繧「繧定ィュ鄂ョ縺ァ縺阪∪縺 }, component: [default, freeAreaBox], config: { title: { Name: title, Caption: 繧ソ繧、繝医Ν, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, value: { Name: value, Caption: 蜀螳ケ, FormType: rich_textarea, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } memberImageBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝励Ο繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ蜀咏悄 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺ョ逋サ骭イ縺励◆蜀咏悄繧偵帙シ繝縺ォ陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [default, memberImageBox] } friendListBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝峨Μ繧ケ繝 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺ョ繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝峨Μ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [friend, friendListBox], config: { row: { Name: row, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k陦, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } }, col: { Name: col, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k蛻, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } }, type: { Name: type, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ繧ソ繧、繝, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsRequired: true, Default: full, Choices: { full: 逕サ蜒上→蜷榊燕縺ョ荳。譁ケ繧定。ィ遉コ, only_image: 逕サ蜒上ョ縺ソ陦ィ遉コ, only_name: 蜷榊燕縺ョ縺ソ陦ィ遉コ } } } } communityJoinListBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 蜿ょ刈繧ウ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」繝ェ繧ケ繝 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺悟盾蜉縺励※縺繧九さ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」縺ョ繝ェ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [community, joinListBox], config: { row: { Name: row, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k陦, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } }, col: { Name: col, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k蛻, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } }, type: { Name: type, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ繧ソ繧、繝, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsRequired: true, Default: full, Choices: { full: 逕サ蜒上→蜷榊燕縺ョ荳。譁ケ繧定。ィ遉コ, only_image: 逕サ蜒上ョ縺ソ陦ィ遉コ, only_name: 蜷榊燕縺ョ縺ソ陦ィ遉コ } } } } searchBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 讀懃エ「繝懊ャ繧ッ繧ケ }, description: { ja_JP: 讀懃エ「逕ィ縺ョ繝輔か繝シ繝繧定。ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [default, searchBox] } rssBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 'RSS 繝ェ繝シ繝繝シ' }, description: { ja_JP: '謖螳壹&繧後◆ URL 縺ョ RSS 繝輔ぅ繝シ繝峨r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺' }, component: [default, rssBox], config: { title: { Name: title, Caption: 繧ソ繧、繝医Ν, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url: { Name: url, Caption: URL, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } linkListBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ髮 }, description: { ja_JP: 謖螳壹&繧後◆繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ縺ョ繝ェ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [default, linkListBox], config: { title: { Name: title, Caption: 繧ソ繧、繝医Ν, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url1: { Name: url1, Caption: URL1, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text1: { Name: text1, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝1, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url2: { Name: url2, Caption: URL2, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text2: { Name: text2, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝2, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url3: { Name: url3, Caption: URL3, FormType: input, ValueType: 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}, component: [default, freeAreaBox], config: { title: { Name: title, Caption: 繧ソ繧、繝医Ν, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, value: { Name: value, Caption: 蜀螳ケ, FormType: rich_textarea, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } op_mobile_login_gadget_list: loginForm: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝ュ繧ー繧、繝ウ繝輔か繝シ繝 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝ュ繧ー繧、繝ウ逕ィ縺ョ繝輔か繝シ繝縺瑚ィュ鄂ョ縺ァ縺阪∪縺吶ょ茜逕ィ蜿ッ閭ス縺ェ縺吶∋縺ヲ縺ョ隱崎ィシ繝「繝シ繝臥畑縺ョ繝ュ繧ー繧、繝ウ繝輔か繝シ繝縺後☆縺ケ縺ヲ蜷ォ縺セ繧後※縺縺セ縺吶 }, component: [default, loginFormBox] } freeArea: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝輔Μ繝シ繧ィ繝ェ繧「 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝輔Μ繝シ繧ィ繝ェ繧「繧定ィュ鄂ョ縺ァ縺阪∪縺 }, component: [default, freeAreaBox], config: { title: { Name: title, Caption: 繧ソ繧、繝医Ν, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, value: { Name: value, Caption: 蜀螳ケ, FormType: rich_textarea, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } op_mobile_profile_gadget_list: diaryMemberList: { caption: { ja_JP: 譛譁ー譌・險 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺ョ譖ク縺縺滓律險倥r譁ー逹鬆縺ォ陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶 }, component: [diary, memberDiaryList], config: { max: { Name: max, Caption: 譛螟ァ陦ィ遉コ莉カ謨ー, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 5, Choices: { 1: 1, 3: 3, 5: 5, 7: 7, 10: 10 } } } } freeArea: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝輔Μ繝シ繧ィ繝ェ繧「 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝輔Μ繝シ繧ィ繝ェ繧「繧定ィュ鄂ョ縺ァ縺阪∪縺 }, component: [default, freeAreaBox], config: { title: { Name: title, Caption: 繧ソ繧、繝医Ν, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, value: { Name: value, Caption: 蜀螳ケ, FormType: rich_textarea, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } friendListBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝峨Μ繧ケ繝 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺ョ繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝峨Μ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [friend, friendListBox], config: { row: { Name: row, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k陦, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } } } } communityJoinListBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 蜿ょ刈繧ウ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」繝ェ繧ケ繝 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺悟盾蜉縺励※縺繧九さ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」縺ョ繝ェ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [community, joinListBox], config: { row: { Name: row, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k陦, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } } } } activityBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繧「繧ッ繝繧」繝薙ユ繧」 }, description: { ja_JP: SNS荳翫〒縺ョ豢サ蜍戊ィ倬鹸繧定。ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [member, activityBox], config: { row: { Name: row, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k陦, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } } } } op_profile_gadget_list: albumMemberList: { caption: { ja_JP: 譛譁ー繧「繝ォ繝舌Β }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺ョ謚慕ィソ縺励◆繧「繝ォ繝舌Β繧呈眠逹鬆縺ォ陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶 }, component: [album, memberAlbumList], config: { max: { Name: max, Caption: 譛螟ァ陦ィ遉コ莉カ謨ー, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 5, Choices: { 1: 1, 3: 3, 5: 5, 7: 7, 10: 10 } } } } blogUser: { caption: { ja_JP: 譛譁ー繝悶Ο繧ー }, description: { ja_JP: 譛譁ー縺ョ繝悶Ο繧ー縺ョ荳隕ァ繧定。ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶 }, component: [blog, blogUser] } diaryMemberList: { caption: { ja_JP: 譛譁ー譌・險 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺ョ譖ク縺縺滓律險倥r譁ー逹鬆縺ォ陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺吶 }, component: [diary, memberDiaryList], config: { max: { Name: max, Caption: 譛螟ァ陦ィ遉コ莉カ謨ー, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 5, Choices: { 1: 1, 3: 3, 5: 5, 7: 7, 10: 10 } } } } applicationBoxes: { caption: { ja_JP: 繧「繝励Μ繧ア繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ繝懊ャ繧ッ繧ケ }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺梧園譛峨☆繧軌penSocial繧「繝励Μ繧ア繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ繧偵励Ο繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ縺ォ險ュ鄂ョ縺励∪縺 }, component: [application, renderProfileApplications], config: { num: { Name: num, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ蜿ッ閭ス縺ェ繧「繝励Μ繧ア繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ謨ー, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } } } } freeArea: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝輔Μ繝シ繧ィ繝ェ繧「 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝輔Μ繝シ繧ィ繝ェ繧「繧定ィュ鄂ョ縺ァ縺阪∪縺 }, component: [default, freeAreaBox], config: { title: { Name: title, Caption: 繧ソ繧、繝医Ν, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, value: { Name: value, Caption: 蜀螳ケ, FormType: rich_textarea, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } memberImageBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝励Ο繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ蜀咏悄 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺ョ逋サ骭イ縺励◆蜀咏悄繧偵帙シ繝縺ォ陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [default, memberImageBox] } friendListBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝峨Μ繧ケ繝 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺ョ繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝峨Μ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [friend, friendListBox], config: { row: { Name: row, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k陦, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } }, col: { Name: col, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k蛻, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } }, type: { Name: type, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ繧ソ繧、繝, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsRequired: true, Default: full, Choices: { full: 逕サ蜒上→蜷榊燕縺ョ荳。譁ケ繧定。ィ遉コ, only_image: 逕サ蜒上ョ縺ソ陦ィ遉コ, only_name: 蜷榊燕縺ョ縺ソ陦ィ遉コ } } } } communityJoinListBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 蜿ょ刈繧ウ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」繝ェ繧ケ繝 }, description: { ja_JP: 繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺悟盾蜉縺励※縺繧九さ繝溘Η繝九ユ繧」縺ョ繝ェ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [community, joinListBox], config: { row: { Name: row, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k陦, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } }, col: { Name: col, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k蛻, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 3, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6 } }, type: { Name: type, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ繧ソ繧、繝, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsRequired: true, Default: full, Choices: { full: 逕サ蜒上→蜷榊燕縺ョ荳。譁ケ繧定。ィ遉コ, only_image: 逕サ蜒上ョ縺ソ陦ィ遉コ, only_name: 蜷榊燕縺ョ縺ソ陦ィ遉コ } } } } profileListBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝励Ο繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ }, description: { ja_JP: 繝励Ο繝輔ぅ繝シ繝ォ諠蝣ア縺ョ繝ェ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [member, profileListBox] } activityBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繧「繧ッ繝繧」繝薙ユ繧」 }, description: { ja_JP: SNS荳翫〒縺ョ豢サ蜍戊ィ倬鹸繧定。ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [member, activityBox], config: { row: { Name: row, Caption: 陦ィ遉コ縺吶k陦, FormType: select, ValueType: int, IsRequired: true, Default: 5, Choices: { 1: 1, 2: 2, 3: 3, 4: 4, 5: 5, 6: 6, 7: 7, 8: 8, 9: 9, 10: 10 } } } } op_side_banner_gadget_list: informationBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繧、繝ウ繝輔か繝。繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ繝懊ャ繧ッ繧ケ }, description: { ja_JP: 縺顔衍繧峨○縺ェ縺ゥ縺ョ騾夂衍縺悟庄閭ス縺ェ繧、繝ウ繝輔か繝。繝シ繧キ繝ァ繝ウ繝懊ャ繧ッ繧ケ繧定ィュ鄂ョ縺ァ縺阪∪縺吶 }, component: [default, informationBox], config: { value: { Name: value, Caption: 蜀螳ケ, FormType: rich_textarea, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } languageSelecterBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 險隱槫繧頑崛縺医懊ャ繧ッ繧ケ }, description: { ja_JP: 莉悶ョ險隱槭↓蛻繧頑崛縺医k縺溘a縺ォ蠢隕√↑繝懊ャ繧ッ繧ケ繧定ィュ鄂ョ縺ァ縺阪∪縺吶 }, component: [default, languageSelecterBox] } sideBanner: { caption: { ja_JP: 繧オ繧、繝峨ヰ繝翫シ }, description: { ja_JP: 繝舌リ繝シ險ュ螳壹ョ繧オ繧、繝峨ヰ繝翫シ繧定ィュ鄂ョ縺ァ縺阪∪縺吶 }, component: [default, sideBanner] } rssBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 'RSS 繝ェ繝シ繝繝シ' }, description: { ja_JP: '謖螳壹&繧後◆ URL 縺ョ RSS 繝輔ぅ繝シ繝峨r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺' }, component: [default, rssBox], config: { title: { Name: title, Caption: 繧ソ繧、繝医Ν, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url: { Name: url, Caption: URL, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } linkListBox: { caption: { ja_JP: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ髮 }, description: { ja_JP: 謖螳壹&繧後◆繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ縺ョ繝ェ繧ケ繝医r陦ィ遉コ縺励∪縺 }, component: [default, linkListBox], config: { title: { Name: title, Caption: 繧ソ繧、繝医Ν, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url1: { Name: url1, Caption: URL1, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text1: { Name: text1, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝1, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url2: { Name: url2, Caption: URL2, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text2: { Name: text2, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝2, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url3: { Name: url3, Caption: URL3, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text3: { Name: text3, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝3, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url4: { Name: url4, Caption: URL4, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text4: { Name: text4, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝4, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url5: { Name: url5, Caption: URL5, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text5: { Name: text5, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝5, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url6: { Name: url6, Caption: URL6, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text6: { Name: text6, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝6, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url7: { Name: url7, Caption: URL7, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text7: { Name: text7, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝7, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url8: { Name: url8, Caption: URL8, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text8: { Name: text8, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝8, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url9: { Name: url9, Caption: URL9, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text9: { Name: text9, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝9, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, url10: { Name: url10, Caption: URL10, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false }, text10: { Name: text10, Caption: 繝ェ繝ウ繧ッ繝繧ュ繧ケ繝10, FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRequired: false } } } op_supported_languages: - en - ja_JP openpne_community_category: general: [public_flag, topic_authority, register_poricy, description] openpne_community_category_attribute: { } openpne_community_config: public_flag: { Name: public_flag, Caption: 'Authority to Read Topic', FormType: radio, ValueType: string, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: true, Default: public, Choices: { public: 'Everyone can read', auth_commu_member: 'Only community''s members can read' } } topic_authority: { Name: topic_authority, Caption: 'Authority to Create Topic', FormType: radio, ValueType: string, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: true, Default: public, Choices: { public: 'Community''s members can create', admin_only: 'Only community''s admin can create' } } register_poricy: { Name: register_poricy, Caption: 'Register policy', FormType: radio, Default: open, Choices: { open: 'Everyone can join', close: '%Community%''s admin authorization needed' }, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: true } description: { Name: description, Caption: '%community% Description', FormType: textarea, ValueType: string, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: true } openpne_member_category: secretQuestion: [secret_question, secret_answer] blogUrl: [blog_url] diary: [diary] general: { } publicFlag: [age_public_flag] pcAddress: [pc_address] mobileAddress: [mobile_address] password: [password] accessBlock: [access_block] mail: [daily_news] language: [language, time_zone] openpne_member_category_attribute: secretQuestion: { caption: 'Secret Question Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: true } blogUrl: { caption: 'Blog URL Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: false } diary: { caption: 'Diary Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: true } general: { caption: 'General Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: true } publicFlag: { caption: 'Public Flag Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: true } pcAddress: { caption: 'PC E-mail Address Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: true, depending_sns_config: enable_pc } mobileAddress: { caption: 'Mobile E-mail Address Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: true, depending_sns_config: enable_mobile } password: { caption: 'Password Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: true } accessBlock: { caption: 'Access Block Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: true } mail: { caption: 'Mail Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: true } language: { caption: 'Language and Time Zone Configuration', enable_pc: true, enable_mobile: false } openpne_member_config: secret_question: { Name: secret_question, Caption: 'Secret Question', FormType: select, ValueType: integer, IsRegist: true, IsConfig: true, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: true, IsConfirm: false, Choices: { 1: 'What is your father''s / mother''s former name?', 2: 'What is last 5 digits of your driving license number?', 3: 'What is your first crush''s name?', 4: 'What is your finished elementary school?', 5: 'What is region name of your domicile of origin?' } } secret_answer: { Name: secret_answer, Caption: 'Answer for Secret Question', FormType: input, ValueType: text, IsRegist: true, IsConfig: true, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: true, IsConfirm: false } blog_url: { Name: blog_url, Caption: 'Blog URL', FormType: input, ValueType: blog_url, IsRegist: false, IsConfig: true, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: false, IsConfirm: false } diary: null age_public_flag: { Name: age_public_flag, Caption: 'Public Flag for Age', FormType: select, ValueType: integer, IsRegist: true, IsConfig: true, IsRequired: true, IsUnique: false, IsConfirm: false, Choices: { 1: 'All Members', 2: '%my_friend%', 3: Private } } pc_address: { Name: pc_address, Caption: 'PC E-mail Address', FormType: input, ValueType: pc_email, IsRegist: false, IsConfig: true, IsRequired: true, IsUnique: true, IsConfirm: true } mobile_address: { Name: mobile_address, Caption: 'Mobile E-mail Address', FormType: input, ValueType: mobile_email, IsRegist: false, IsConfig: true, IsRequired: true, IsUnique: true, IsConfirm: true } password: { Name: password, Caption: Password, Info: 'Password must be 6-12 characters.', FormType: password, ValueType: password, IsRegist: true, IsConfig: true, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: true, IsConfirm: true } access_block: { Name: access_block, Caption: 'Access Block', FormType: increased_input, ValueType: pass, IsRegist: false, IsConfig: true, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: false, IsConfirm: false } daily_news: { Name: daily_news, Caption: 'Daily News', FormType: radio, ValueType: string, IsRegist: false, IsConfig: true, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: false, IsConfirm: false, Default: 2, Choices: ['Don''t Send', 'Send At Intervals', 'Send Everyday'] } language: { Name: language, Caption: Language, FormType: language_select, ValueType: string, IsRegist: false, IsConfig: true, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: false, IsConfirm: false, Default: ja_JP } time_zone: { Name: time_zone, Caption: 'Time Zone', FormType: select, ValueType: string, IsRegist: false, IsConfig: true, IsUnique: false, IsRequired: false, IsConfirm: false, Default: '', Choices: { '': None, Pacific/Honolulu: '(GMT-10:00) Hawaii', America/Anchorage: '(GMT-09:00) Alaska', America/Los_Angeles: '(GMT-08:00) Pacific Time (US & Canada)', America/Phoenix: '(GMT-07:00) Arizona', America/Denver: '(GMT-07:00) Mountain Time (US & Canada)', America/Chicago: '(GMT-06:00) Central Time (US & Canada)', America/New_York: '(GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)', America/Indiana/Indianapolis: '(GMT-05:00) Indiana (East)', Kwajalein: '(GMT-12:00) International Date Line West', Pacific/Midway: '(GMT-11:00) Midway Island', Pacific/Samoa: '(GMT-11:00) Samoa', America/Tijuana: '(GMT-08:00) Tijuana, Baja California', America/Chihuahua: '(GMT-07:00) Chihuahua', America/Mazatlan: '(GMT-07:00) Mazatlan', America/Regina: '(GMT-06:00) Saskatchewan', America/Tegucigalpa: '(GMT-06:00) Central America', America/Mexico_City: '(GMT-06:00) Mexico City', America/Monterrey: '(GMT-06:00) Monterrey', America/Bogota: '(GMT-05:00) Bogota', America/Lima: '(GMT-05:00) Lima', America/Rio_Branco: '(GMT-05:00) Rio Branco', America/Caracas: '(GMT-04:30) Caracas', America/Halifax: '(GMT-04:00) Atlantic Time (Canada)', America/Manaus: '(GMT-04:00) Manaus', America/Santiago: '(GMT-04:00) Santiago', America/La_Paz: '(GMT-04:00) La Paz', America/St_Johns: '(GMT-03:30) Newfoundland', America/Moncton: '(GMT-03:00) Georgetown', America/Sao_Paulo: '(GMT-03:00) Brasilia', America/Godthab: '(GMT-03:00) Greenland', America/Montevideo: '(GMT-03:00) Montevideo', Atlantic/South_Georgia: '(GMT-02:00) Mid-Atlantic', Atlantic/Azores: '(GMT-01:00) Azores', Atlantic/Cape_Verde: '(GMT-01:00) Cape Verde Is.', Europe/Dublin: '(GMT) Dublin', Europe/Lisbon: '(GMT) Lisbon', Europe/London: '(GMT) London', Africa/Monrovia: '(GMT) Monrovia', Atlantic/Reykjavik: '(GMT) Reykjavik', Africa/Casablanca: '(GMT) Casablanca', 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'(GMT+05:45) Kathmandu', Asia/Dhaka: '(GMT+06:00) Dhaka', Asia/Almaty: '(GMT+06:00) Almaty', Asia/Novosibirsk: '(GMT+06:00) Novosibirsk', Asia/Rangoon: '(GMT+06:30) Yangon (Rangoon)', Asia/Krasnoyarsk: '(GMT+07:00) Krasnoyarsk', Asia/Bangkok: '(GMT+07:00) Bangkok', Asia/Jakarta: '(GMT+07:00) Jakarta', Asia/Brunei: '(GMT+08:00) Beijing', Asia/Chongqing: '(GMT+08:00) Chongqing', Asia/Hong_Kong: '(GMT+08:00) Hong Kong', Asia/Urumqi: '(GMT+08:00) Urumqi', Asia/Irkutsk: '(GMT+08:00) Irkutsk', Asia/Ulaanbaatar: '(GMT+08:00) Ulaan Bataar', Asia/Kuala_Lumpur: '(GMT+08:00) Kuala Lumpur', Asia/Singapore: '(GMT+08:00) Singapore', Asia/Taipei: '(GMT+08:00) Taipei', Australia/Perth: '(GMT+08:00) Perth', Asia/Seoul: '(GMT+09:00) Seoul', Asia/Tokyo: '(GMT+09:00) Tokyo', Asia/Yakutsk: '(GMT+09:00) Yakutsk', Australia/Darwin: '(GMT+09:30) Darwin', Australia/Adelaide: '(GMT+09:30) Adelaide', Australia/Canberra: '(GMT+10:00) Canberra', Australia/Melbourne: '(GMT+10:00) Melbourne', Australia/Sydney: '(GMT+10:00) Sydney', Australia/Brisbane: '(GMT+10:00) Brisbane', Australia/Hobart: '(GMT+10:00) Hobart', Asia/Vladivostok: '(GMT+10:00) Vladivostok', Pacific/Guam: '(GMT+10:00) Guam', Pacific/Port_Moresby: '(GMT+10:00) Port Moresby', Asia/Magadan: '(GMT+11:00) Magadan', Pacific/Fiji: '(GMT+12:00) Fiji', Asia/Kamchatka: '(GMT+12:00) Kamchatka', Pacific/Auckland: '(GMT+12:00) Auckland', Pacific/Tongatapu: '(GMT+13:00) Nuku''alofa', Pacific/Kiritimati: '(GMT+14:00) Kiritimati' } } openpne_sns_category: general: [sns_name, sns_title, admin_mail_address, enable_pc, enable_mobile, enable_friend_link, image_max_filesize, daily_news_day, is_use_captcha, is_allow_post_activity] external_login_page: [external_pc_login_url, external_mobile_login_url] authentication: [enable_registration] mobile: [retrieve_uid, font_size, is_check_mobile_ip] policy: [user_agreement, privacy_policy] footer: [footer_before, footer_after] api_keys: [google_maps_api_key, google_AJAX_search_api_key] 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Caption: 謳コ蟶ッ迚井スソ逕ィ險ュ螳, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsRequired: true, Default: 1, Choices: [菴ソ逕ィ縺励↑縺, 菴ソ逕ィ縺吶k] } enable_friend_link: { Name: enable_friend_link, Caption: 繝輔Ξ繝ウ繝峨Μ繝ウ繧ッ菴ソ逕ィ險ュ螳, FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsRequired: true, Default: 1, Choices: [菴ソ逕ィ縺励↑縺, 菴ソ逕ィ縺吶k] } image_max_filesize: { Name: image_max_filesize, Caption: 繧「繝繝励Ο繝シ繝臥判蜒上ョ繝輔ぃ繧、繝ォ繧オ繧、繧コ蛻カ髯(bytes), FormType: input, ValueType: regexp, ValueRegexp: '/^[1-9]\d*[K|M]?$/', IsRequired: true, Default: 300K } daily_news_day: { Name: daily_news_day, Caption: 繝繧、繝ェ繝シ繝九Η繝シ繧ケ蜿嶺ソ。鬆サ蠎ヲ縺ョ險ュ螳, Help: 縲梧ッ取律縲阪悟女菫。縺励↑縺縲堺サ・螟悶ョ驕ク謚櫁い縺ォ險ュ螳壹@縺溘→縺阪ョ蜿嶺ソ。鬆サ蠎ヲ繧定ィュ螳壹@縺セ縺, FormType: checkbox, ValueType: text, IsRequired: true, Default: [0, 3], Choices: [譛, 轣ォ, 豌エ, 譛ィ, 驥, 蝨, 譌・] } is_use_captcha: { Name: is_use_captcha, Caption: 'CAPTCHA 菴ソ逕ィ險ュ螳', Help: 'CAPTCHA (逕サ蜒上ョ縺ェ縺九ョ譁蟄怜励r繝。繝ウ繝舌シ縺ォ蜈・蜉帙&縺帙k隱崎ィシ譁ケ蠑) 繧剃スソ逕ィ縺吶k縺九←縺縺九r險ュ螳壹@縺セ縺', FormType: radio, ValueType: text, IsRequired: true, Default: 1, Choices: [菴ソ逕ィ縺励↑縺, 菴ソ逕ィ縺吶k] } 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php: 5.2.8 os: 'Linux f10.pne.jp 2.6.18-92.1.18.el5 #1 SMP Wed Nov 12 09:30:27 EST 2008 i686' extensions: 30: apache2handler 43: 'apc (3.0.19)' 27: bz2 26: calendar 25: ctype 24: curl 23: 'date (5.2.8)' 31: dbase 32: 'dom (20031129)' 22: 'exif (1.4 $Id: exif.c,v 2008/08/03 12:11:13 jani Exp $)' 21: 'filter (0.11.0)' 20: ftp 33: gd 19: gettext 18: gmp 17: 'hash (1.0)' 16: iconv 34: 'json (1.2.1)' 35: ldap 0: libxml 36: mbstring 44: 'memcache (2.2.5)' 37: 'mysql (1.0)' 38: 'mysqli (0.1)' 29: openssl 8: pcre 39: 'PDO (1.0.4dev)' 40: 'pdo_mysql (1.0.2)' 41: 'pdo_pgsql (1.0.2)' 42: 'pdo_sqlite (1.0.1)' 45: pgsql 15: posix 14: 'Reflection (0.1)' 7: session 12: shmop 9: 'SimpleXML (0.1)' 10: sockets 11: 'SPL (0.2)' 13: 'standard (5.2.8)' 46: 'suhosin (0.9.27)' 6: sysvmsg 5: sysvsem 4: sysvshm 3: 'tokenizer (0.1)' 2: wddx 51: 'xdebug (2.0.4)' 1: xml 47: 'xmlreader (0.1)' 48: 'xmlwriter (0.1)' 49: 'xsl (0.1)' 50: 'zip (1.8.11)' 28: 'zlib (1.1)'
version: 1.4.1 path: /home/imamura/sns/34x.imamura.dazai.pne.jp/lib/vendor/symfony/lib
(SnsTermTable)type | calls | time (ms) | time (%) |
Configuration | 26 | 1982.15 | 56 |
Factories | 1 | 314.69 | 8 |
Database (Doctrine) | 5 | 0.10 | 0 |
Action "default/nonMobileError" | 1 | 1.12 | 0 |
View "Success" for "default/nonMobileError" | 1 | 117.68 | 3 |
SET NAMES 'utf8'
SELECT s.id AS s__id, s.name AS s__name, s.value AS s__value FROM sns_config s
SELECT m.id AS m__id, m.name AS m__name, m.invite_member_id AS m__invite_member_id, m.is_login_rejected AS m__is_login_rejected, m.created_at AS m__created_at, m.updated_at AS m__updated_at, m.is_active AS m__is_active FROM member m WHERE (m.id = 26) LIMIT 1
SELECT m.id AS m__id, m.name AS m__name, m.invite_member_id AS m__invite_member_id, m.is_login_rejected AS m__is_login_rejected, m.created_at AS m__created_at, m.updated_at AS m__updated_at, m.is_active AS m__is_active FROM member m WHERE (m.id = 26) LIMIT 1
SELECT m.id AS m__id, m.name AS m__name, m.invite_member_id AS m__invite_member_id, m.is_login_rejected AS m__is_login_rejected, m.created_at AS m__created_at, m.updated_at AS m__updated_at, m.is_active AS m__is_active FROM member m WHERE (m.id = '26') LIMIT 1