



適用 クリア

# プロジェクト トラッカー ステータス 優先度 題名 担当者 更新日
1040 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) [mobile] Invalid the template of application/invite when member's friend is not exists Shogo Kawahara 2010-05-16 19:49
1039 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) [mobile] Can't accept HTML body correctly. Shogo Kawahara 2010-05-16 19:49
1027 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) [API] Can't post the activity correctly when an activity parameter include url Shogo Kawahara 2010-05-16 19:49
966 OpenPNE 3 Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) "CAPTCHA" display in the member config and etc. in the environment of mobile. (CAPTCHAがモバイル環境で表示されている) Kousuke Ebihara 2010-05-10 11:55
957 OpenPNE 3 Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) Can't execute openpne:execute-mail-action bacause of permisson of cache/cli directory Shogo Kawahara 2010-05-10 23:42
925 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) ライフサイクルイベントのリクエストが正しくない Shogo Kawahara 2010-04-04 23:09
324 opOpenSocialPlugin Support(サポート) Fixed(完了) High(高め) ドキュメント更新 (0.9.3) Shogo Kawahara 2009-12-06 05:10
318 opAlbumPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) OpenPNE3.3.xで動作しない 2011-09-09 19:57
272 opOpenSocialPlugin Enhancement(機能追加・改善) Fixed(完了) High(高め) support symfony1.4 Shogo Kawahara 2009-12-06 01:48
270 opCommunityTopicPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) This plugin don't support sns term (SNS名称設定に対応していない) Shingo Yamada 2011-08-05 15:49
268 OpenPNE 3 Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) Fatal error when opDynamicAclRoute is used Shogo Kawahara 2009-12-13 06:24
267 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) don't support access block 2009-12-06 01:48
261 opOpenSocialPlugin Enhancement(機能追加・改善) Fixed(完了) High(高め) Add an ability to approve of member app from SNS admin Shogo Kawahara 2009-12-22 18:45
255 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) key length of name_UNIQUE_idx on member_application_setting is too long Shogo Kawahara 2009-11-24 23:08
227 OpenPNE 3 Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) When community's admin secedes, the admin doesn't take over sometimes correctly. (コミュニティ管理者が退会するとき、管理者の引き継ぎがうまくいかない場合がある。) Shogo Kawahara 2009-11-15 16:42
83 OpenPNE 3 Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) High(高め) Fatal error on getting empty member's profile (存在しないプロフィールを取得しようとするとFatalエラー) Shogo Kawahara 2009-10-31 09:15
2290 opAlbumPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) Normal(通常) モバイルのデザイン標準化 2011-09-04 21:10
2218 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) Normal(通常) [pc] modalboxを2回目以降に表示すると、読み込みが完了するまで前回表示時の内容が残ってしまう (0.9.x) 2011-07-10 14:13
2123 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) Normal(通常) [pc] Fix two js errors in application/list screen when the user doesn't have any application (所有アプリが 0 件の時に アプリ一覧画面で JavaScript エラー) Shogo Kawahara 2011-06-11 18:17
2122 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) Normal(通常) [pc] Fix a js error in application/invite when the user doesn't have any friend (フレンドが0人の時に招待画面で JavaScript エラー) Shogo Kawahara 2011-06-11 18:03
2100 opOpenSocialPlugin Backport(バックポート) Fixed(完了) Normal(通常) [api] opOpenSocialProfileExport doesn't return birthday when public flag of birthday is '3' and owner is viewer 2011-06-11 22:36
2099 opOpenSocialPlugin Backport(バックポート) Fixed(完了) Normal(通常) [api] opOpenSocialProfileExport doesn't return birthday when public flag of birthday is '3' and owner is viewer 2011-06-11 22:37
2098 opOpenSocialPlugin Backport(バックポート) Fixed(完了) Normal(通常) [api] opOpenSocialProfileExport doesn't return birthday when public flag of birthday is '3' and owner is viewer 2011-06-11 18:31
2067 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) Normal(通常) [pc] gadget doesn't drive because it occur error that "html4" is not defined (1.0.x only) Shogo Kawahara 2011-05-08 01:33
2065 opOpenSocialPlugin Bug(バグ) Fixed(完了) Normal(通常) [api] opOpenSocialProfileExport doesn't return birthday when public flag of birthday is '3' and owner is viewer Shogo Kawahara 2011-05-14 02:40
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