


Rule of Shared Repository » 履歴 » バージョン 8

Kousuke Ebihara, 2014-01-30 20:06

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h1. Rule of Shared Repository
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h2. Overview
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This document provides rule of handling shared repository of developing OpenPNE3.
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In this document, the "shared repository" means that is git://github.com/openpne/OpenPNE3.git.
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Everyone must follow this rule to handle the shared repository.
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h2. "push" privilege to handle shared repository
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GitHub accounts that are in the following list, can execute "push" operations to shared repository (as of Nov 22, 2012):
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* "balibali":https://github.com/balibali
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* "imamura623":https://github.com/imamura623
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* "kashiwasan":https://github.com/kashiwasan
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* "kawahara":https://github.com/kawahara
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* "martini2002jp":https://github.com/martini2002jp
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* "niryuu":https://github.com/niryuu
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* "nise-nabe":https://github.com/nise-nabe
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* "ShinichiU":https://github.com/ShinichiU
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* "tejima":https://github.com/tejima
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* "touri":https://github.com/touri
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* "upsilon":https://github.com/upsilon
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If you think that you are worthy of getting "push" privilege, please tell your GitHub account to balibali, or ShinichiU.
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h2. Committing
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h3. Direct Committing
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Committing direct is not allowed excepting few cases.
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Release Manager can directly commit when he works for releasing.
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In other cases, anyone must work in his own clone.
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h3. Commit Messages
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In merging, commit messages must follow the following rule:
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* A message must be written in English. A message can contain other languages, but that must be explained in English.
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* A message must contain related ticket ID. The ID must be specified with "refs" or "fixes" keyword. We have useful hook script for keeping it: http://gist.github.com/202866
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   e.g.  "Added ability to delete member from the mobile_backend application (refs #1)", "Added ability to configure gadgets from the mobile_backend application. Adding support to manage SNS from mobile is now completed. (fixes #1)"
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* A message must tell everyone what the commit is.
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A commit that doesn't follow this rule, most likely is rejected.
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h2. Merging
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If you developed something or got "Pull Request", please merge it. After merging, you must check changes. If the changes has some faults, contact author about it to fix them.
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If changes looks fine, push it to shared repository, and change a status of the related ticket to "Pending Review". (Changing status is doing automatically if a commit is related with a ticket by the "fixes" keyword in its message)
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h2. Branches
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Branches of the shared repository must limit the release branches (they contain the master branch). Don't push a branch for your work. You should create such a branch to your repository.